Archived Text: {{We are now mourning for the elimination of Constantine Maroulis and rejoicing for the departing of Scott Savol!!! *yay* This season is one of the most controversial and unfair, as Scott Savol (nicknamed "Luckiest Man Alive") which should've been gone back at the semi-finals, continues to relax at the Idol couch, but recently is out after a good week. Democracy is definitely not for America! Anthony's now our fave to win!}}

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Constantine Knocked Off 'American Idol'

ABC News: Constantine Knocked Off 'American Idol' Part 1
Part 2! Pls read
*sob* *sob*
Listenin': "Bohemian Rhaspody" - Constantine Maroulis
Mood: Constan'Kickin' Rage

OH F****!!! SCOTT SAVOL MUST BE THE LUCKIEST MAN IN THE WORLD! Even Rickey agree what a shocking loss! I'm sorry. I'm loss for words. He was like the Latoya of Season 4.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005



I feel that this ABC "exposé" IS A (im gonna use it to defend my fave show of all time, so forgive me Lord Almighty... :}) F***ING COWARDLY ATTEMPT TO BRING DOWN FOX'S NO.1 SHOW! Since ABC and FOX are enemies, trying to kick each other asses off the ratings, they are always sneaky. But this is just COWARDICE!!!!! Instead of producing better shows, they spread false rumours about Paula Abdul having romance with that then-gorgeous, now-b****y Corey Clark (well of course ABC would choose him to be part of the rumour) and finacial assitance and actually picking songs for Clark & ... well that's the main rumour powering that f***ing show (I thought it'd be all about the voting system XD). "Fallen Idol" is scheduled to air at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4. "Primetime Live" normally airs on Thursday. But, of course, Wednesday is results night on "American Idol."

Let's all support Paula and defend those farfetched allegations! Luckily, Paula and her lawyer fired off warnings to ABC, threatening legal action if that f***ing network air that show.

Friday, April 15, 2005

ROCK FEVER! (Part 2 of Analysis)

Part 1 is Tribute to Nadia
Well, basically it started from 3 weeks ago (Top 10) and it was shocking that all of a sudden the judges loved it. I'd say Constantine was 1st during that week. Then the following week (something about a valentine) and then just on the Top 8 (Sing a Song which Released on Birth Year) he sang Queen's Bohemian Rhasbody, and Simon even loved it! Guess because that Queen is a British band...
Anyway everyone kept saying rock or I rocked it. Randy complimented Carrie by saying "You rocked it", Scott Savol (who sang Bill & Oates (who were there and heard his lousy rendition)) who proclaimed, "There aren't many people who could do as well as me, so I guess I rocked it." and everyone else.


(sorribusy'gain)A TRIBUTE 2 NADIA

A diva? A originalist? A 'punk'? Guess we neva know... Being the FIRST person of the extended age group (27-29) to be out (this season American Idol stretches it's age limit from 16-26 to 16-28, and Bo and Constantine celebrated their 29th birthday AFTER they got in to Hollywood, so it's ok. Yeah, without those 2, this will be the MOST BORIN' IDOL since there's already no p i nk (each letter has a different link to a picture from each season) hair lady. Actualy, I AGREE THAT SEASON 4 HAS HAD THE BEST TALENT YET. Simon was right. They were all saying (check out the judges' videos which released before season premiere) that this year's talent can beat the past 3 seasons' combined talent. Oh sorry Justin Guarini. That means people like Jessica Sierra can beat him! Oh, that also meant Travis Tucker is really IDOL material!A good example is at the Top 10-8 results show. In Seasons 1-3, when a contestant is summoned to the Bottom 3, you rarely hear that much boos as now! So since the talent is greater this year (last year's Top12 are all releasing solo albums, so this year, it is possible that every singe one (including Mario, Travis, Amanda, but excluding the first few eliminated from the Top 24) will be superstars! (Sometimes I thought their American Idol position limits some past contestants into ever becoming superstars. People like Keshia Chanté and Ciara (which I don't think can really win Idol) achieved superstardom differently, not through an Idol audition), it is much more likely that there are more shocking eliminations since it is now much harder to see a definite winner in the group, unlike last year when everyone (including Rickey, owner of famed Fantasia blog knew it was Fantasia (the effect was like a spoiler leak). We had Jessica Sierra (who WAS A FORMER GREAT, dang it!) out early on a lowly 10th. Well, in the effect of all this almost-the-same-level-of-talent group, some start to fall in stress and pressure. Jessica was one of them. In the semi-finals, she was the best in Week2 & 3, both fashion and voice. Yes, she beat Carrie, the blond counterpart. Then in the finals, why did she let it low when she had the geist? Her clothes were shabbier, the voice was dimmer, song choice was worsening, Carrie seemingly stolen Jessica's fashion style, and then, BOOM. Out of Idol.Also when Nikko was out everyone booed when all 3 people went to the Spot of Doom (him, Scott Savol (in my opinion, should have been OUT!!! a long time ago (he's just like Carmen Rasmusen from Idol2 who's overstaying too much) like in the Semifinals) and hmm. Anthony/Anwar (forgot!)). It showed that if any contestant replaced them it would still be the same amount of boos.Nadia, I saw, was also having the same thing as Jessica. Those two were my "guarntees" to make the Top 12. Nadia started failing with the Wacky Mohawk, then bad song choices which started to pull her to the back of the race. In the end, her African-American counterpart, Vonzell Solomon, beat her, and made her share the spot where JPL, Rickey Smith and EJay Day had stood. Owch.People, forget about having the Top 3 with Nadia, Bo and Carrie. The new potential top3 should be Constantine, Anthony and Carrie/Vonzell. Bo Bice who was amazing the whole season, had the last two weeks (Top 9/10) in danger, but it was this week where he was in the Bottom 3. I mean Bo Bice was a former great! Just like Carrie>Jessica and Vonzell>Nadia, I'm pleased to announce that the newest lanslide is... CONSTANTINE>BO!!!

omg, I see this post is infected by a rare case of longwindeditis! I'll carry on on the next page, explaining the big odds of Constantine Maroulis (my idol!) being the IDOL!!!

Jw21BlogNetGlobalAnnouncement No.2

Thanks to the Internet community for the vast increase of hits! Around 1pm PDT, the counter (which record hits from all 4 blogs of the Jw21BlogNet) read 207. By 8:30pm PDT, it read 226. Okk, it may not be a interesting announcent but thanks!!! I mean, I've been REALLY busy recently so it's a big appreciation to get such astoundin' results. If I had not been that hetic, I'd have completed a website by now actually.From Justin Fanz of da Mon', and does anyone know 'Nic and 'Nux?

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Top 9

Yesterday's Top 9 Review

Me myself, I have bnot much time here. I'd say that it's a shame that Jessica Sierra had to go. She would be a hotshot this week and she DID mention a Broadway song. Scott on the other hand, although the physical appearance may help him or not (ruben!) his talent isn't really good and not much personality. Constantine HAS surprised me actually i mean he had a great week and again this week with that dangerous broadway love song. All the judges just opened their hearts like last week. (Simon HAD said he was better than Bo last wk) Yup, Bo Bice is starting to go down.
(Sorry I'm UNABLE to give any proper analysis; i'm right now in a life crisis. All I'm able is to give you guys a link)

UPDATE: Nikko Smith, who would not have been in the Finals if Mario Vezaquez haven't left, is OUT.